22 Jun Más de 3.400 afectados por la tormenta del viernes en el condado de Coffee
Today’s thunderstorm brought heavy rain and wind gusts through the DREMC service area leaving widespread power outages in Manchester affecting over 3,400 residents.
Damage to DREMC’s system includes three substation breakers out, multiple trees are down, which left several spans of electric wire down and poles leaning. Crews are continuing to assess the damage as repairs are being made.
Additional DREMC crews from the Shelbyville and Sewanee districts are being sent to assist the Manchester office with power restoration. At this time, we do not have an estimated time for power restoration in these areas as the damage so widely spread across the Coffee County area.
We will do our best to keep you updated as progress is made via social media and the DREMC mobile app. We appreciate your patience as our crews work to restore power to our members