14 Dec La Escuela Secundaria de la Comunidad visita el DREMC y muestra su agradecimiento
The 26-member student council from Community Middle School visited Duck River EMC on Thursday, Dec. 14, to pay tribute to linemen and member service representatives and show their appreciation for the service they provide to our communities. Each Christmas, this group of student leaders chooses one group of individuals that they feel provides a valuable service to the area.
The students brought goodie bags to each lineman that contained items such as hand warmers, tissues,… Chapstick, mints, and power bars. They delivered to the front office a platter of homemade cookies, peppermint popcorn, Chex mix, and a basket of hot beverage mixes such as hot cocoa and spiced cider.
Community Middle School is located in Unionville and has an enrollment of 406 sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Student council advisors are Jennifer Bennett, CMS Media Specialist, and Linda Gayle Houston, CMS Science Teacher. Josh Burrahm, CMS Tech Liaison, also attended the field trip.
This kind gesture from the CMS student council is much appreciated by the employees of DREMC!
To see additional photos of their visit and presentation, visit us on Facebook at DuckRiverEMC.