03 de agosto La reunión anual de la DREMC está fijada para el 20 de agosto de 2016
Duck River Electric Membership Corporation will hold its Annual Meeting of Members on Saturday, August 20th, starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Farm Bureau Headquarters located at 147 Bear Creek Pike, Columbia, Tenn. Those attending the meeting will have an opportunity to elect their representatives to serve on the DREMC Board of Directors as well as hear operational reports about the cooperative. Those who have been nominated for election to serve three-year terms on the Board of Directors by the Nominating Committee are:
Zone 1: Coffee and Warren counties – Baxter White.
Zone 2: Franklin, Grundy and Marion counties – to be appointed by the University of the South – Laura Willis.
Zone 3: Moore and Lincoln counties – Buford Jennings.
Zone 5: Marshall and Giles counties – John Moses.
Zone 6: Maury, Hickman, Lawrence, Lewis & Williamson counties – Robert DuBois.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Several door prizes will be awarded to members at the conclusion of the business session. Attendance gifts will also be given to the first 300 members to register.
Any member with special needs planning to attend the Annual Membership Meeting is asked to contact the Cooperative’s Member Services Department at (931) 680-5881 prior to the meeting so that appropriate accommodations can be made.