14 Jan DREMC Board of Directors announces President/CEO retirement
The Board of Directors of Duck River Electric Membership Corporation (DREMC) has accepted the retirement request of Michael Watson, President and CEO. Watson relinquished his duties as CEO and President on Jan. 11; he will serve in an advisory capacity for the cooperative until June 30, 2019.
“We are grateful for the 27 years of service that Michael has dedicated to Duck River Electric,” said Barry Cooper, Chairman of the Board. “He has led DREMC through an important period of change in the cooperative business, including implementing an advanced meter infrastructure and installing a fiber backbone that is preparing the cooperative for broadband options.”
He has also demonstrated valuable leadership within the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association, Cooper said, as well as with the TVA Rates and Contracts process.
Cooper said that the board has taken action to employ Charles McDonald as an interim CEO. McDonald retired from DREMC in 2011 as Director of Member Services after 37 years of service with the cooperative. McDonald will begin his interim service effective Jan. 11, 2019.
The board will begin a thorough search for a CEO as soon as is feasible.

Charles McDonald
President & CEO