25 Aug Se denuncia una nueva estafa con bonos de la factura de la luz
Among all the telephone and on-line scams involving threats to disconnect electric service and attempts to gain personal identity information or account numbers, now comes a new one: the “Redeem Redemption” con game.
This fraud has been reported in Lincoln County and possibly will be attempted in the Duck River Electric Membership Corporation (DREMC) service area. Co-op members need to be on guard against this and other types of utility scams.
Here how it works:
Scammers contact consumers, claiming to represent the “Redeem Redemption” program. They falsely inform the victims that they’ve won a voucher worth hundreds of dollars in discounts on their electric bill and a $100 Walmart gift certificate.
The clincher is that they assure the victim of DREMC and Walmart’s participation in the program. Next, they ask for a credit card number to secure the prizes or other personal identity information.
DREMC dos not offer electric bill discount vouchers, nor does the co-op participate in any prize redemption programs.
Do not allow yourself to become a victim of a utility scam. Always contact your local DREMC office if you are suspicious about a call from someone purporting to be from the electric co-op or who claims to be an “authorized” representative.
No comparta información sobre su identidad con las personas que llaman. No les dé números de tarjetas de crédito o información de cuentas bancarias. Si le amenazan con desconectar el servicio eléctrico a menos que pague por teléfono, cuelgue inmediatamente y llame a la DREMC.