Elementary, middle school students learn about electric safety from DREMC

Elementary, middle school students learn about electric safety from DREMC

More than 1,200 students, pre-K through 8th grade, who attend schools in the DREMC service area have learned about indoor and outdoor electric safety so far this school year from cooperative employees.

The high-voltage tabletop demonstration presented by DREMC’s Safety Coordinator Brad Vincent and Communications and Community Relations Coordinator Gina Warren simulates how electricity can travel through certain objects, including people. The program teaches students to always “look up to live,” meaning to always look up and be aware of overhead power lines when playing or working outdoors. The demo includes several dangerous scenarios, which include carrying a ladder, flying a kites or climbing a tree near a power line; unauthorized entry of an electric substation; and a vehicle accident involving an electric pole and fallen power lines.

Younger students learn about electric safety through DREMC’s newest electric safety program, “Play It Safe Around Electricity,” featuring Louie the Lighting Bug, which includes a 10-minute video and coloring contest with prizes.

The entertaining and educational animated video presentation shares easy-to-remember safety tips with children to keep them safe when playing outdoors near power lines and using electrical appliances indoors. During the presentation, DREMC representatives discuss with students what electricity is and how easily someone could become injured if we do not respect and use electricity safely.

“Electricity is all around us,” says Warren, “and children, at a very young age, begin plugging gadgets into electrical outlets and using appliances like hair dryers, kitchen appliances and rechargeable toothbrushes. It’s important that they know the dangers of misusing electrical items in their homes.”

DREMC’s Louie the Lightning Bug electric safety program includes a coloring contest where students color a picture of Louie. While all participating students receive souvenir Louie the Lightning Bug stickers and a tattoo, each first-place winner in the classrooms receives an award certificate and a collectible Louie stuffed toy.

“Electrical safety is important to all ages,” says Vincent. “Duck River Electric has made youth safety education a priority for many years and has taught thousands upon thousands of students across our service area about electrical safety with our classroom and outdoor presentations.”

For more information about DREMC’s electric safety programs, please call Gina Warren at 931-680-5880 or send an email to gwarren@dremc.com.