
The Tennessee Valley Authority has scheduled a four-hour planned power outage for DREMC members served out of the Mt. Pleasant Substation.  This outage is necessary for TVA to perform system improvements within the substation. The outage is scheduled for midnight Saturday night, May 6, until approximately...

The planned outage scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd, for the Sherwood and Anderson communities has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 29th, from 6:00 a.m. until approximately noon. This outage is necessary for TVA to replace several bad poles. This outage will affect all consumers in the...

Maintenance is scheduled for the DREMC billing system on Sunday April 23rd beginning around 10:00 a.m. until approximately 5:00 p.m.. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our members....

A power bill payment scam has hit the Columbia area of Duck River Electric Membership Corporation’s service area. This fraud appears to be aimed at small businesses, especially gas stations, small markets, and convenience stores. Owners and employees are informed by the caller that their DREMC...

It has come to our attention that DREMC has become the victim of a spoofing attempt.  An outside company, in this case, a credit card company, is using a DREMC number to portray that the cooperative is initiating the call; however, once the member answers,...

What are the facts? Rural Tennesseans need expanded broadband Internet connections. Tennessee’s Electric cooperatives can help solve this problem, but state law has to change first. IF the law changes, DREMC wants to be part of the solution by constructing a fiber-optic loop throughout our service...

It has come to our attention that one of our DREMC members has been contacted by someone claiming to be a representative of the cooperative requesting payment. The member was threatened with disconnection if payment wasn't made. Fortunately, the member became suspicious and hung up. Do...